Hey sunshine.,
I am sitting in a cafe as I am writing this right now. It's warm, cozy and filled with people. I am drinking hot chocolate to heal my sore throat. I wish it could also heal the excruciating yearning that I have for you. But a glass of hot chocolate is too little to fill your presence. It is nearly insignificant. But it is really warm and tasty and nice, so it reminds me of you. Also the weather is so nice today. It's a little breezy but it's sunny, so it feels very comfy. The sunrays on my face as I was walking towards here. They reminded me of you.
I do miss you a lot. My days have been quite busy so I haven't felt them pass by. My mind is always occupied with something and I am not really in the moment. But something that I always feel all the time is that I miss you. The thought of wishing that you were beside me is always there with me. It feels like your ghost, a faded version of you is right by me and all I do is curse the sky and wish it was all of you there. Then I wonder. I wonder about you. What are you doing right now? How are you feeling? Are you having fun? Are you feeling the same? You must be, right? Because our souls are there with each other. Interlinked.
You are amazing Dezdemona. You blessed me with the divine presence of yourself. And every minute I don't have it feels agonizing. It feels melancholic. Life feels a lot less. You gave me what I always looked for. Love. And love I found in every part of you. And now I just wish that days go by faster so I can have love here with me. You here, with me.
This cafe is really nice. They play good music, the ambience is warm and cozy. The hot chocolate is really tasty. Yet, all I need right now is you.
I love you, Syvjeshtë.